Nicetas of Heraclea

Native name Νικήτας
Nationality Greek
Occupation Clergyman
Religion Christian

Nicetas (Νικήτας) was an 11th century Greek clergyman. A deacon of St. Sophia, Constantinople, he was a nephew of the bishop Serres or Serrae in Macedonia. Eventually he became Metropolitan of Heraclea (Pontus), at the end of the eleventh century. He was a prolific writer.[1]

He is sometimes confused with Nicetas Paphlagon.


He compiled catenas on Matthew, Luke and John.[2]

  1. Commentarii in Gregor. Nazianzeni Tetrasticha et Monosticha
  2. Responsa Canonica ad Interrogationes cujusdam Constantini Episcopi


  1. ^ Krumbacher, Gesch. der byzant. Litt. (Munich, 1897), 137 sqq, 211 sqq, 215 sqq, 587, etc.
  2. ^ A. Di Berardino, Patrology, tr. Adrian Walford, (2006) p. 646